[PATCH] Fix background_color in hippo css

With this fix we have back prelighting and visual selection in the
browsers (which was on Owen list).

It was working for the canvas element only because it's going through
a different code path there.


Index: common/hippo/hippo-canvas-style.c
--- common/hippo/hippo-canvas-style.c   (revision 7250)
+++ common/hippo/hippo-canvas-style.c   (working copy)
@@ -728,7 +728,9 @@
             CRDeclaration *decl = style->properties[i];
             const char *property_name = decl->property->stryng->str;

-            if (!g_str_has_prefix(property_name, "background"))
+            if (g_str_has_prefix(property_name, "background"))
+                property_name += 10;
+            else

             if (strcmp(property_name, "") == 0) {

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