[gnome-love] Help!Where to find modules?

Hello everyone!

I'm new to this mailing list and I have a question that where can I find the modules to complete the

GNOME Goal: Clean up GLib and GTK+ includes

I'm also new to linux and would like to do some help for the gnome community.I'm appreciate to someone who could help.

PS: I've already found some files in /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules but It's .so files and can not be read directly.So where can I find the source code(.c or others) in my ubuntu.

dolphin@dolphin-laptop:~$ ls /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/
libatk-bridge.so           libferret.so      libgail.so
libcanberra-gtk-module.so  libgail-gnome.so

Thanks & Best wishes
Ying ShaoJun

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