[gnome-love] newbie at 6 oclock

Hi all, I decided to change to GNOME (as a desktop user) 10 months ago
(used fluxbox).
Most of the people I know use KDE. My decision was rather
philosophical than technical. AFAIK GNOME is the official GNU desktop

If I'm gonna help, it will be definitely here :).

Well, I've read almost all the suggestions I've found on the
gnome-love's wiki and developer.gnome.org site.

It might looks like I'm going too fast but I just want to take another
approach as to learning GNOME as a whole (very different to "at once")
rather than writing a basic application with libgnome/ui or with
libglade as many tutorials suggest.
So I first want to get the "overview" of the architecture. (yes there
is a tutorial on this topic, I've skimed it [1] ).
I've attached a graphic I found describing the dependencies of the
architecture. I have a few questions about it:

1) Is it up to date ? If not, can anyone point me to an updated one ?
2) Suppose I want to write an application which creates some file and
put "hello world" in it. I could do it using Bonobo or GnomeVFS
separately, is that right ?
3) If I can do what is described above or something alike, was it a
"coincidence", or it's how the development team thinks about the
architecture (i.e. giving developers more than a way of doing things)
4.1) How will that graphic be like the next years ?
4.2) Where is the development team aiming at in the long term ?
4.3) What are the most difficult problems right now on the architecture if any ?

Those are some questions I couldn't guess from reading the documents I
read and the graphic here attached. Maybe I'd know their answers (4.x
in particular) if I was a developer :/

I've also read about Orbit2 and Bonobo but I think I'm gonna get more
in depth to them as I need it.

I'm trying to learn the "what"s and "where"s of GNOME instead of the "how"s.

So if someone can help me, it will be appreciated. New suggestions are welcome!


[1] http://developer.gnome.org/doc/guides/platform-overview/platform-overview.html

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Attachment: gnome arch.png
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