Re: [gnome-love] Some bugs with GTK and themes

El lun, 14-11-2005 a las 17:26 +0000, Joachim Noreiko escribió:
Hi gnome-love.

Whether this is a bug or not got a lot of debate on
the Ubuntu forum, but I believe that it is. Synaptic's
theme reflects my preference for themes installed in
/usr/share/themes/, so logically it should do the same
for a theme in ~/.themes/

I can't reproduce this. I will try downloading others themes from

2. Dragged-off toolbars can't be moved.
I run gedit, then tear off the toolbar.
After doing this, I am unable to move the toolbar with
the widget on the left of it.
The toolbar also gets a button in the window panel,
which I don't think should happen. Closing this from
the panel, then unchecking the 'Show toolbar' checkbox
in gedit's menu crashes the app.

I can confirm this, but gedit don't crash for me when hide/show the
toolbar (Gnome 2.12, Gtk 2.8.6)

3. Strange menu icon size glitch
The first time I use the gnome main menu after
booting, there is a tiny glitch in the display of the
They are displayed, and then about 1-2 seconds later
their size is reduced by a small amount, maybe only a
pixel. It's minor but a bit strange.

That is because icons are loading on demand the first time you open the menu.


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