Re: [gnome-love] Web Services in Gnome-System-Tools


I'm very sorry, I apologize for the really late reply

On Sun, 2005-03-13 at 17:33 -0300, Elton Luís Minetto wrote:
Hi, i am new at this list and sorry if my idea is stupid, but i will
write anyway. I
have a suggestion to GST. Instead of use an XML file representing the
configuration we can use a web services infrastructure. Each distro
develop the web services using your characteristics and the
gnome-system-tools can configure and manage all distros, accessing the
services. Using web services another tools can use this infrastructure
to configure/manage a linux/unix(maybe microsoft) machine.
What you think? Is possible or useful? Thanks for your attention.

It might be possible to develop something like what you describe, after
all, the gnome-system-tools frontends just read and modify an standard
XML (this is so for all supported platforms)

The main problem (IMVHO) might be related to distros participation in
this scenario, according to my experience:

- Lots of the patches for giving full support for new distros were for
small ones, from their own developers
- Other ones were from other distros' developers, for specific tools,
leaving the rest uncovered
- Other ones were from ramdom distros enthusiasts
- Almost all the support for the mostly used distros is maintained by
one people...

Given this [1], and that I currently get regular patches from 1 distro
[2], it makes me think a bit about whether GST would be where it is if
it were left in the distros' hands

BTW, I'm already working in what will be very possibly the next major
version of the system tools backends [1], if will focus a lot in making
easier all the desktop integration, development of new tools, and the
addition of new distros' support, hope this interests you/anyone

        Just a random personal opinion

[1] Anyway, any patch I get is a gift :)
[2] Thanks, Ubuntu people
[3] plans are at

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