Re: [gnome-love] Networking our games.

Poker3d has a Gaim plugin to ply poker online. You may want to give it a look 

On Sunday 13 March 2005 23:04, Scott Sloan wrote:
I'm new to the list and am currently reading up on all the gnome-love
information so I can start to contribute sometime soon. But for now I
would like to sound an idea.

With gnome 2.10 nibbles has network support, which I can see could be a
growing trend in across gnome-games. To my knowledge however there is no
easy way to invite a friend to start a game. Yes I believe there is the
game server you can connect to, but is that the best way to play against
a friend?

I was thinking a great way to do this would be to using the IM client as
a passive tool to solve the problem. Something like this

User a :  Let's play a game
** Play User A in nibbles? Accept or Decline
User B: Sounds like fun
** User B accepts User A's invitation.

I'm thinking this would all work as a plug-in for the default gnome IM
client. (gaim I believe) With the backend already written within
nibbles, I believe all the plug-in would have to do is:
 1.) Check for similar versions installed
 2.) Launch a network game
 3.) Send the message to user b with ip and port encoded within a link
 4.) launch the game on User b's side telling to connect to the game

After the game is connected, the plugin has done it's job and is no
longer needed since the game's network backend would take care of the

My question:
      1.) What changes would need to be made against the current code in
nibbles to do this?

      I know most of the work doesn't effect gnome but rather the IM client
and maybe that would've been a better place to sound this idea. But
currently I'm just seeking advice and input. Any you could offer would
be welcomed.

Thanks in advance

Scott Sloan

Jorge Bernal "Koke"
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                        koke amedias org
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