Re: [gnome-love] Jhbuild problem - 1 out of many...

Il giorno gio, 20-01-2005 alle 00:45 +0100, Luis Menina ha scritto:
Someone (pbor) told me on #gnome-love that the debian version was 
patched against this, but the libtool used is the one retrieved with 
"jhbuild bootstrap", that is libtool-1.5.10...  so the distro's libtool 
is not used.

[liberforce@localhost liberforce]$ jhbuild run which libtool

I probably wasn't very clear... the libtool version which comes with
jhbuild should be ok since it contains the patch that fixes that bug:
the patch is not included in the original tarball, however it is
automatically applied by jhbuild before building libtool.

The patch can be found in the jhbuild/patches directory.

So what I would try is:
- make sure that jhbuild is up to date (cd jhbuild; cvs up)
- rebuild libtool with jhbuild, by running bootstrap: unfortunately
jhbuild pretends to be too smart and doesn't seem to want to rebuild
libtool (it just exits sayng success)... you have two way to work around
this: the first is applying the patches by hand and rebuild libtool
manually, the other is to edit jhbuild/jhbuild/modtypes/
commenting out (add a # at the beginning of the line) lines 105 and 106
in the function do_start.

Hope that helps


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