Re: [gnome-love] Start-Menu

This discussion made me wonder something. First of all, I really support the idea of making the menu more polished (I don't think there will be opposition to this, since Gnome 2 faced lots of polishing).

What I wondered is: is there an easy way to add an application to the Gnome menu? And by easy I mean a couple of function calls.

If not, you should take that in account. I'm all for flexibility, but for the average programmer I think there should always be a shortcut so one can learn to program with Gnome faster.

Also, I'm saying this because if these things aren't kept in mind from the beginning, later it is very hard to simplify the API.

Take for example GConf. Why should I have to learn a complicated way of preserving preferences, when that should be much simpler? Because it has all those features that I won't use. So then I rebel and make a replacement (, but I lose integrity with the Gnome framework in the process (i.e. I cannot use gconf-editor).

This is all because simplification wasn't pursued from the beginning.

Pablo Baena <pbaena uol com ar>

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