Re: [gnome-love] help installing gnome 2.0 libs

On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 10:06:50PM -0800, Josh Steiner wrote:
I'm setting up a machine at home to start helping the Nautilus 2.0
port.  I read somewhere that someone was working on a porting guide and
that they might post it in incomplete form somewhere, does anyone know
where I might find that?

Someone is working on it ... me. Unfortuantely, I've had a slightly bad
run of being sick and then busy at work. So it stalled slightly. :-(

Current status is this: I have information for most of the sections. I
need to DocBook-ise it and then get some souls to proofread it so that
we don't lead people too far astray. I'm doing the tag markup tomorrow
evening and sending out the proof reading copy to some people on
Saturday. After that it will appear on with suitable
fanfare (i.e. probably none).

Also, is it yet possible to install the new
lib's without wrecking the stable install?  My girlfriend would be pissed
at me if I trashed Gnome :)

Yes it is. Havov Pennington spent a long time making the appropriate
changes so that GNOME 1 and GNOME 2 could be installed and run in
parallel without terrible things happening to your system. If you are
using a Red Hat system, look for the "gnomehide" packages (search the
archives of the gnome-2-0 list for their location, since I don't have it
handy right now). Alternatively, grab the tarballs from
and build it yourself.


I intend to live forever - so far so good.

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