Re: [gnome-love]Wow.

I'd be being one of those people too. I won't claim to be a decent programmer because I'm not but I know a bit of C, some C++, I've dabbled in Gtk+ and gtkmm, and I can hold my own in Java and Delphi (not that that's much use!) and I know some Haskell, Perl and Tcl too. The symptoms of a Computer Science student...

But yes, Kent raises a good point here. Documentation! It's all very well wanting people to write documentation (I could probably do some myself, and may very well volunteer to do so when exam fever dies down) but you do really have to know how to use a thing to write the docs for it. And gdk-pixbuf does seem to be becoming very important especially for GNOME. I'm not even 100% sure what it is - something similar to Imlib, yes? Of course, documentation does seem to be the key thing that some Open Source/Free Software projects are lacking in, probably because it's boring to write.

The Gtk+ docs are pretty good, by the way. Good enough, anyway... but I've never managed to get a GNOME app up and running. Guess I need to spend a bit more time playing with that, learning my way around the GNOME libs and so forth. Is there a good place to start at with this or do I just trawl through the docs and the header files and some existing GNOME programs to see what's going on?

Good idea for a list, by the way. And cool name too :-)


Kent Nyberg wrote:

So..  i guess i am one of those that you people need to help in the
process of becomming a real gnome programmer :)
Actually, i am already in love with gnome and i would do almost anything
to make gnome better.. but since i cant afford to buy those expensive books about gtk+/gnome programming, i am stuck with all the documentation that i can find on the internet.

Right now i am in a big need of documentation on libgdk-pixbuf, but i
cant find any :(
I have the API doc's that is on developer.gnome.. but that's not enough
I need examples to understand it better, but i cant find good examples.
Maybe i should take a lesson in how to search in google.. but i realy
cant find any good examples or tutorials on libgdk-pixbuf.
Can some one tell me where to find that?

I am sorry if this is the wrong list for this kind of questions..  but
can you please tell me which list i should ask on then?

Have a nice day!

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