What happens after a timeout during connection ?

Hello everyone,

I'm working on a connected device, and we are producing hundred/thousand of them. The system is based on Debian 9 on armhf. We use NetworkManager to allow the device to automatically connect on WiFi. Usually the client AP is down, and, for maintenance reason, the client can open the dedicated SSID and our device is connecting, then offers an HTTP interface.

It works perfectly 99% of time.

But sometimes, on a brand newly flashed device, it can't connect to the specified WiFi.

Every time I saw that, I used an UART connection to manually log, and a simple "nmcli conn up <conn_name>" makes the client connecting immediately, so it seems that my configuration file is correct. After I manually connected, rebooting the device makes it reconnect every time, as expected.

I was not able to systematically investigate on every failing device but I could saw on journalctl the 
following logs (MAC and SSID are anonymized)

sept. 14 15:02:20 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930140.1218] Config: added 'ssid' value 
sept. 14 15:02:20 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930140.1237] Config: added 'scan_ssid' value 
sept. 14 15:02:20 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930140.1286] Config: added 'key_mgmt' value 
sept. 14 15:02:20 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930140.1288] Config: added 'psk' value 
sept. 14 15:02:20 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930140.2031] device (wlan0): supplicant interface 
state: inactive -> scanning
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <warn> [1536930165.4771] device (wlan0): Activation: (wifi) association took too long, failing activation sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info> [1536930165.4772] device (wlan0): state change: config -> failed (reason 'ssid-not-found') [50 120 53]
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930165.4784] manager: NetworkManager state is 
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <warn>  [1536930165.4977] device (wlan0): Activation: 
failed for connection 'xxxxxx'
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930165.5109] device (wlan0): supplicant interface 
state: scanning -> disconnected
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info> [1536930165.5375] device (wlan0): state change: failed -> disconnected (reason 'none') [120 30 0]
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930165.5546] device (wlan0): set-hw-addr: set 
MAC address to yy:yy:yy:D4:0F:70 (scanning)
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930165.5835] device (wlan0): supplicant interface 
state: disconnected -> disabled
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930165.5865] device (wlan0): supplicant interface 
state: disabled -> disconnected

It seems to me that for some reason (maybe my AP, maybe the WiFi component..) the connection is having a timeout, but after that NetworkManager is not retrying.

- Is there a kind of blacklist of non functional connections/APs ?
- Is there a timeout which after expiration NetworkManager will reconnect ?
- Any advice to improve connection reliability ?

Thank you very much for your advice,



Guillaume BETOUS
Embedded software engineer
E: guillaume betous kawantech com
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