Re: What happens after a timeout during connection ?


I'm coming back with my need to "manually force" the connection if it failed...

Looking at here it seems that I'll see the status of the connection change.

Could you confirm that the following events are translated in DBus events ?

sept. 14 15:02:20 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930140.2031] device (wlan0): supplicant interface 
state: inactive -> scanning
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <warn>  [1536930165.4771] device (wlan0): Activation: 
(wifi) association took too long, failing activation
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930165.4772] device (wlan0): state change: config 
-> failed (reason 'ssid-not-found') [50 120 53]
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930165.4784] manager: NetworkManager state is 
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <warn>  [1536930165.4977] device (wlan0): Activation: 
failed for connection 'xxxxxx'
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930165.5109] device (wlan0): supplicant interface 
state: scanning -> disconnected
sept. 14 15:02:45 2004000276 NetworkManager[589]: <info>  [1536930165.5375] device (wlan0): state change: failed 
-> disconnected (reason 'none') [120 30 0]

Thank you,


Le 03/11/2020 à 10:20, Guillaume BETOUS a écrit :
Hi Thomas,

This is quite hard for me to give better logs as I would have to enable them before the issue which not possible (can't modify factory image), and the issue is quite rare.

This being said, the issue aim to be resolved by the patch you pointed seems a very good candidate. It 
correspond to the circumstances were we observe the issue :

- bad connection quality (e.g big distance between device and AP)

- no retry at all (I tried for more than one hour)

- successfully reconnect if you simply reboot the device

As a first workaround I wonder if I can write a little python script to subscribe to NM DBus events and force 
the retry. Do you think it is feasible ?



Le 23/10/2020 à 12:01, Guillaume Betous a écrit :

But without useful logs that is rather hard to say.

I'll come back with detailed logs for sure :)

My colleagues are aware : next time it happens, they call me !


Guillaume BETOUS
Embedded software engineer
E: guillaume betous kawantech com
M: +33 6 88 57 43 55
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