Re: NetworkManager, dns= and resolv.conf override

> I'll try to adapt the netboot image to include TRACE level. I'll keep you informed.

Here attached the trace I did with WITHOUT my 'dns=node' statement (thus without any 'dns=' directive)

To sump up :

1. node pxe boots : gets the

System enp33s0f0  03a3d6a6-33d2-bba1-f78c-e1d7861520ba  ethernet    --


2. an xCAT postbootscript adds the followin profile

xcat-enp33s0f0    af4416ad-a9c2-4e7c-95e9-ad62b759d549  ethernet enp33s0f0

So once booted :

[root@maestro-1001 ~]# nmcli con show
NAME              UUID                                  TYPE DEVICE
xcat-enp33s0f0    af4416ad-a9c2-4e7c-95e9-ad62b759d549  ethernet enp33s0f0
System enp33s0f0  03a3d6a6-33d2-bba1-f78c-e1d7861520ba  ethernet    --

None of those profile has any dns properties set :

# nmcli -f connection.autoconnect,connection.autoconnect-priority,ipv4.dns,ipv4.dns-search con show 'System enp33s0f0'
connection.autoconnect:                 yes
connection.autoconnect-priority:        0
ipv4.dns:                               --
ipv4.dns-search:                        --

# nmcli -f connection.autoconnect,connection.autoconnect-priority,ipv4.dns,ipv4.dns-search con show xcat-enp33s0f0
connection.autoconnect:                 yes
connection.autoconnect-priority:        9
ipv4.dns:                               --
ipv4.dns-search:                        --

I'm not really sure what the trace shows but it seems to me that /etc/resolv.conf gets updated:

- a first time following dhclient
- a second time, I guess as a result of the second profile autoconnection, where it is actually emptied, resulting in:

# cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager

This could seem logical although

- it goes against your first answer (NM wouldn't empty a working /etc/resolv.conf)

- it is not consistent with the same test where 'dns=none' is stated, resulting in the node booted with the dhcp provided /etc/resolv.conf left untouched and then the second profile reactivated (con up) without 'dns=none' : /etc/resolv.conf still not emptied as we could expect

Or maybe the difference in the latter test is that dhcp is out of the picture ?

I'm sure I'm missing something obious, sorry...

Thanks for your help


Attachment: trace.log.bz2
Description: application/bzip

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