Re: [RFC] [nmstate] Linux routing in nmstate

On Mon, 2019-03-04 at 22:11 +0800, Gris Ge wrote:
Based on feedbacks, this is V2 scheme for review:

        "routes": {
            "ipv4": [       # Sorted with 'table-id' then
                    "status": "up",
                        # up or absent(to be removed)
                        # If not defined, use 'up'
                    "table-name": "main",
                        # Empty if no name attached,
                    "table-id": 254,
                        # If not defined, use 'main' route table id
                    "protocol": "dhcp",     # "static" or "dhcp"
                        # If not defined, use 'static'
                    "metric": 100,
                        # If not defined, let NetworkManager to
                    "destination": "",
                        # Mandatory
                    "next-hop-iface": "eth0",
                        # Mandatory
                    "next-hop-address": ""
                        # ^ Empty on point-to-point link
            "ipv6": [    # Sorted with 'table-id' then 'destination'
                    "status": "up",
                    "table-name": "main",
                    "table-id": 254,
                    "protocol": "router-advertisement",
                    # ^ "static" or "router-advertisement"
                    "metric": 100,
                    "destination": "::/0",
                    "next-hop-iface": "eth0",
                    "next-hop-address": "fe80::1"

Changes since V1:

 * Top tree is 'routes', and subtree is 'ipv4' and 'ipv6'.
   Even the IPv4 and IPv6 route entry are mostly identical, but we
   schema to differentiate the 'destination' address type in a simple


I don't think there is any fundamental difference between

    ipv4-routes: { ... },
    ipv6-routes: { ... },


    routes: {
      ipv4: { ... },
      ipv6: { ... },

Instead, the more fundamntal question is whether IPv4 and IPv6 routes
should be merged together and expressed by the same "object"/"type",
and get a "addr-family" field to differenciate.

    routes: {
      [0] = {
        addr-family: ipv4,

I think the answer is "yes". It seems better to me to treat routes the
same on a higher layer, and move the differenciation between address
families closer the places that care about the difference.

 * Add 'status: absent' to simplify the route deletion.

 * Add comments to show the default value if not defined.

"protocol" possibly should still be renamed to "source". Or "origin"?


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