Re: dns-search ordering on dual nic setup

On Mon, 2018-11-12 at 11:37 +0100, Thomas HUMMEL wrote:


[I'm talking only about ipv4.method=manual wired ethernet connections

As far as I experience, the 'search' line in the NetworkManager 
resolv.conf file comes from the union of all the ipv4.dns-search 
properties of all the active profiles and the order of the domains
lists doesn't depend on the order of profile activation.

- am I right ?
Right, I think the time of profile activations is not generally

- does the order then depend on the order of the underlying devices 
(i.e. dns-search of eth0 first, dns-search of eth1 second, ...) ?
No, devices neither have a meaningful sort order.

What would be the best way to enforce a particular order ?

For instance let's say

eth0 profile : ipv4.dns-search my.public.domain
eth1 profile : ipv4.dns-search some.private.non-routed-domain

By default, it seems that when the 2 profiles are connected, I've got

search my.public.domain some.private.non-routed-domain

in /etc/resolv.conf

What if I want the opposite order ?
Configure `ipv4.dns-priority` accordingly.

You may require a recent NM verions for that.

In the usual case, where multiple profiles have the same dns-priority,
the device with the (best) default-route is preferred.

Note : the idea here is to have the short non-qualified host name as
hostname and make hostname --fqdn return 



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