Re: Using both VPN and non-VPN (default route non-VPN)

On Mon, 2018-12-10 at 17:34 +0100, Alexandre Garreau via
networkmanager-list wrote:
I’ve already asked some help on irc: I have a VPN that provides me a
public IP, which I use to run network servers, but I want to access
the local network I’m connecting too, without passing through the VPN
(otherwise stuff accessible only through local network is not
accessible anywore), while still being able to use the tun0
interface. It’s a OpenVPN VPN, configured and ran through network-
manager. I was told to go in IPv4, routes… and check the last
But beside routing, when doing that tun0 becomes inaccessible:
everything ends timeouting, and the other way around while not
checking the checkbox: the wifi interface is inaccessible, only the
tun0 answers…
Why that? is it more an openvpn problem? But if asking openvpn people
will I find a way to apply that through network-manager?
Thank you for any help ^^


you need to have the routes configured properly, which depends on your
environment. Well, NM should get it right automatically. If it doesn't,
then you should look at the routes to understand what's wrong.

What gives:

  ip route


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