Re: Bugreport: macvlan device choosing wrong parent device

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 03:23:15PM +0200, Beniamino Galvani wrote:
On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 09:36:44AM +0200, Ulrich Ölmann wrote:
It looks like NetworkManager does not create the devices in the correct order in
contrast to what has been done manually before restarting NetworkManager. This
behaviour is only seen if the parent is referenced via a UUID. Using an
interface name instead ("parent=eth1"), everything is fine.


as it is currently implemented, "parent=$UUID" in the connection file
means that the parent device will be the device on which connection
$UUID is currently active or, if none, any device compatibile with
$UUID; there isn't any sort of temporal dependency implied by the

Ah, okay. I implicitely assumed that NetworkManager applies some ordering with
respect to device creation by this property - thanks for clarifying this.

Since connection 7ac61f21-bf59-4c4c-ae38-51ce131b2afc does not specify
an interface name, at startup NM can match it with any interface and
chooses the wrong (unmanaged) one. This is a bug and should be easy to
fix, as in the patch below.

I applied your patch and NetworkManager avoids the unmanaged device eth0 to
instead create the virtual MAC VLAN device on top of eth1 now. Great! :-)
Looking into the journal, however, I still see a warning saying

    manager: (link-local) can't register the device with manager: A device with ifindex 10 already exists

Do we have to expect any side-effects because of this?

As you already found, setting parent=$INTERFACE should work around
this bug, as well as setting the interface name in the parent

Thanks for your quick and constructive response, Beniamino!

Best regards
Pengutronix e.K.                           |                             |
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