Re: Problem activating hotspot

On Tue, 2016-10-18 at 15:26 +0000, Stéphane Boucher wrote:
I’m on Ubuntu 16.04.1.

I’m using QDBus to interact with NetworkManager.

At the time I do all of the following, there’s no existing
/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/?? For the Hotspot.

When I call AddAndActivateConnection, I get the error: “A 'wireless'
setting is required if no AP path was given.”

This would indicate the partial connection dict you're sending to
NetworkManager as part of the AddAndActivateConnection call doesn't
have all the required properties.

What NM needs here is either the object path to an existing AP that it
can pull the SSID and security settings from, or you need to specify
those manually (which you must do here because you're doing a hotspot).
 Apparently it's not getting that from the D-Bus method call, or
there's a bug in the code...

Can you share sanitized/condensed code that shows how you're calling

But when I use the nm-applet and click on “Use as a Hotspot”, it
works fine.

I’ve used dbus-monitor –system
‘interface=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager’ to capture the method call
with my app, and with nm-applet.

Can you share that output from dbus-monitor?


Except for the order of the dict entries, everything is the same in
both the failing and succeeding method call.

Might there be some things not shown by dbus-monitor?

I’m also trying to run NetworkManager with the debugger (with no luck
so far)…

Any pointer more than welcome!

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