Re: Static Routes for VPN

On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 3:36 PM, Xen <list xenhideout nl> wrote:
Greg Oliver schreef op 05-10-2016 22:10:
I cannot remember the last networkManager this worked in (GUI), but I
am trying to add static routes for VPN connections and it no longer
takes interfaces as gateways.  Not knowing the IP of the gateway until
connection, what is the proper procedure for adding static routes to
VPN interfaces so "Only resources on these networks" works?

Amyone know?

 It is a pain to manually add them with IP after connecting each time.
 I must be missing something - I cannot imagine the developers taking
out the ability to use tun0 or ppp0 as a gateway (although it seems
that way)  :-/

The easiest is if your server pushes them with push.

You are absolutely correct - and I do that for our company.  Other companies that we are partners with where our engineers log into their networks do not like it when they push default routes on us though.  It is much more convenient to say is all I want to reach on this connection (leave my default route alone).  This in the past was achievable with NM-gui - at some point, it has been stripped out.  I did not go to F24 until recently and I honestly do not remember the version I was on prior, but it worked using tun0/ppp0, etc as gateways - and therefore applied routing the way I wanted.

Just looking for the proper way to do that today.

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