Re: [PATCH 1/1] import: ignore file encoding for ovpn configuration file

On Wed, 2016-03-02 at 14:37 -0600, Dan Williams wrote:
On Wed, 2016-03-02 at 12:53 +0100, Thomas Haller wrote:

Openvpn treats ovpn files as ASCII configuration file and
does not care about a specific certain encoding. As such,
only encodings that are an extension of ASCII can work at
all (like iso8859-* or utf8).

We should not try to handle configuration files that cannot even
be handled by openvpn itself.

As regular options must be ASCII-compatbile, the encoding only
matters for filenames and inline-blobs.

Openvpn itself doesn't care about encoding of filenames and passes
them directly to the system functions (open, access). The same is
for glib, which expects paths in "GLib file encoding".
Nowaways, most Linux filesystems use utf8 encoding for paths.
if we would know the encoding of the file, we probably would want
convert the paths to utf8. However, how do we guess the right
And what if the user *really* meant what is written in the
file? Note, that openvpn doesn't support escape sequences like
thus, if the user really wanted to specify such a character, he is
able to do so if we don't mess with the encoding.

Inline blobs usually are ASCII/base64 encoded. If they happen to be
in a
different encoding, we still want to preserve the original blob and
not guess and convert encodings.

The only sane option is ignoring the encoding and pretend it is
ASCII compatible. Who writes non-utf8 configuration files anyway?

We have to make sure string data we pass through D-Bus (like in the
connection properties) is UTF-8 though.  So it doesn't need to be
converted or validated at some point, or dbus will kick the
editor/whatever off the bus when it tries to send the invalid data to

very good point.

So, this is going to be a bit larger work.
Let's move discussion to bug

Please review th/utf8safe-bgo763039


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