Congrats on Xenial Xerus release


on behalf of the Red Hat's NetworkManager team I'd like to congratulate
you all on releasing Xenial Xerus! It seems to me that you'we done an
impressive job and judging by responses in the media your users seem to

We're especially happy to see that you've included an up-to-date
version of NetworkManager. A lot of NetworkManager users, perhaps
majority, runs Ubuntu and your choice of the version means that we'll
be getting more relevant bug reports (if any! :).

That makes me wonder do you have any immediate update plans? Just
before the release we've included a couple of fixes that might or might
not interest you (with vlan & infiniband support; not sure if you use
NM on servers?). Your dnsmasq patch was merged post-release (yay!) and
will be included in 1.2.2.

Now we should integrate the rest; perhaps the ofono patch. By the way;
ModemManager now supports voice calls as well; so perhaps the feature
parity with ofono should be better?

There's also one unpleasant change; the 1.2.0 versions of the VPN
plugins don't use the full paths in their .name files by default (to
applease rpmlint or lintian), but that doesn't play well with the
version of NM you ship. This will mainly affect people that try to
build the 1.2.0 versions of the plugins manually; and can be worked
around for packaged versions of the plugins:

I'm not sure which plugins do you ship (aside from pptp; version of the
plugin you ship doesn't have the problem); but the packagers should be

Take care!


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