Connecting as first node on mesh

I have been playing with making mesh connections friendly in NM. 
Joining a wifi mesh works well - the SSID shows up, and you can click on
it or have it auto-connect.  The network is configured as ad-hoc, no
IP4, noIP6, and I created a dispatcher script that sets up BATMAN-ADV
when a mesh connects. 

The problem is when no other nodes are up yet.  For instance, this
happens every time I lead a meetup on mesh networking.  I am the first
one there!  I can use nmcli to connect, but it does not show in the GUI
to connect by clicking.  I can understand why only visible SSIDs would
show in the GUI normally.  Is there a property I missed to make the
ad-hoc network show up even when no currently visible?  Someone has got
to be first.  This is kind of in-between managed client, and ap mode. 

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