Re: OpenVPN support

On Di, 2015-06-02 at 21:30 +0200, Pieter Cardoen wrote:

I've tried to use openVPN with NetworkManager via the GUI. However, I 
only can use a very limited amount of options and would like to use 
the full openVPN functionality. Is it possible to import ovpn-files 
to NetworkManager?

As you saw, NM-openvpn only supports a subset of the possible options.
You cannot use ovpn files directly.

You can import ovpn files, but unknown options will be ignored. So this
import doesn't allow you to use your ovpn file directly.

Which options are you using? Consider opening a bug, or commenting on
one of the open feature requests:

Does someone know where I can find documentation about keyfiles for 
openVPN connections?

Not really. 


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