Re: Network manager and Gnome 3.12

On Sun, 2014-07-27 at 13:53 +0200, David BERCOT wrote:

I'm on Debian (Sid) and I've recently upgraded to Gnome 3.12.
For my network, I use guessnet to put the right configuration,
depending on the place I plug my computer (work, home, etc...).

Before Gnome 3.12, NM showed me the list of options
(from /etc/network/interfaces) :
- Ifupdown (Maison)
- Ifupdown (Travail)
- etc...

Now, it shows me... nothing...
And more, it uses DHCP even I'm in a place where the connection should
be in static mode...
It seems that, at boot, the right connection is configured by guessnet
(for exemple "Maison") but, just after, NM changes it with DHCP.

Do you have any clue for me ?

Thank you.
check whether the ifupdown plugin is enabled
in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf. See `man

Also, check the logfile of NM whether it was able to read those
connections. Sounds like it was not.


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