Re: [virt-tools-list] recent update makes me crazy...

On 07/16/2014 04:59 AM, Pal, Laszlo wrote:

One of the recent upgrade continuously trying to destroy my brain by
changing my virtual bridge configs...

I don't have a very complicated config, one physical ethernet, one
wireless and five virtual networks for my KVM machines. It was ok for
several months, but after one of the recent update I cannot enable
static addressing for my bridges. If I set-up the interface correctly
(I mean using static address) and I restart NetworkManager my bridge
interfaces are duplicated and NM creates another ones with DHCP
enabled... crazy... I'm not sure if this is because virt-manager or nm
this is why I post on both list

Here is my versions

Name        : NetworkManager
Arch        : x86_64
Epoch       : 1
Version     :
Release     : 4.git20140319.fc20

Installed Packages
Name        : virt-manager
Arch        : noarch
Version     : 1.0.1
Release     : 3.fc20

virt-manager/libvirt shouldn't be doing anything with running dhcp on your
bridge, so I imagine this is NetworkManager related.

- Cole

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