Re: Multiple addresses via dhcpv6

----- Original Message -----
From: aloysius eclipso eu
To: networkmanager-list gnome org
Sent: Sunday, September 8, 2013 4:39:29 PM
Subject: Multiple addresses via dhcpv6

I'm new to ipv6 and tried to have dnsmasq assign two addresses to my linux
machine running networkmanager 0.9.8.

It's nice that someone's testing stuff like that. Please refer to the following bugzilla ticket for more 
detailed information:

NM apparently takes both addresses, adds it to the interface, then flushes it
and adds the other one.
Sounds weird but comments in the above bug report might give a better clue why it's happening. Also you might 
want to add there the information about your testing so that it can be reproduced by anyone.

Since it's a bit weird I wondered if it's the expected behaviour or if could
be a misconfiguration on my part.

Not sure if it's relevant, but one of the ranges is ULA.
AFAIK there's no distinction currently in NetworkManager



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