Re: Delay NetworManager from disabling ethernet port.

On Tue, 2013-04-16 at 14:03 -0400, Mark London wrote:
Hi - I'm using redhat 6, and when we reboot a network switch that a redhat
computer is connected to, NetworkManager seems to very quickly detect the
loss of the network, and deactivates the port.  Is there a way to delay
the deactivation, in case the network disconnection is brief?  I've
confirmed, by not using NetworkManager, that NFS disks can recover from a
brief disconnect, so that adding a delay before deactivating the port,
would be very useful.  Thanks very much. - Mark

NetworkManager listens to the driver's carrier signals and will
disconnect the interface if the link is down for more than about 4
seconds.  The 4 seconds is a compromise between the need to smooth out
momentary link drops, and the need for mobile users to quickly detect
when they have unplugged from a dock or a wall jack and switch over to
wireless or some other method.

The delay is not currently adjustable with the NetworkManager version in
RHEL6.  If this is a feature you'd like, I'd suggest filing a bug in Red
Hat bugzilla against RHEL6 + NetworkManager and we can prioritize any
necessary backports correctly.


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