Integrate Proxy Sett ings and Network Con nection Project : Pl an‏

Hi Hedayat,

I think I should add new class for the functionality of the proposed integration of proxy settings and Network connection.I have attached the details of the proposed NMSettingsProxy class below. That class inherits the NMSettings class already in the NM.


NMSettingsProxy Class : NMSettings Class


default_proxy: string

default_proxy_port :uint

ssl_proxy: string

ssl_proxy_port :uint

ftp_proxy: string

ftp_proxy_port :uint

socks_proxy: string

socks_proxy_port :uint

pac_url: string

no_proxy_for :string []



void: changeMode (mode:string)


void: obtainDetectedProxySettings()

According to the requirements of the project the proposed class should be able to

  1. Obtain automatic detected proxies if any available(the NM already detect proxy seetings using WPAD and DHCP)

  2. Or obtain proxy settings using stored proxy settings ( NM detect the available connections –we have profiles for those connections – best case) , if the connection selected is not a registered one we have to use default proxy settings

  3. Complete IP configuration.

  4. Take care about the NM_DEVICE_STATE_IP_CONFIG activation stage- System tries to merge the settings with the detected settings, but we have to update the proxy configurations of nm-policy,c

  5. Send the final proxy settings to the system

( Reference- )

I have gone through the firewall integration for NM. And now I am trying to understand the functionality of super classes which can be use to obtain appropriate data. (Available connections, each connection profiles, configuring IP, sending data to the system – using DBUS etc, interfaces of NM)

Could you please give your feedback about above preparation?

I am not clear about what is the proxy handler?

Thanks & Regards,

Malintha Adikari

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