Re: NM bug 684242 and other stuff

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gene Czarcinski" <gene czarc net>
> To: networkmanager-list gnome org
> Cc: "Pavel Simerda" <psimerda redhat com>
> Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 7:09:18 PM
> Subject: Re: NM bug 684242 and other stuff
> On 09/26/2012 04:51 PM, Pavel Simerda wrote:
> > The proper keyfile configuration is for example:
> >
> > [connection]
> > id=Ethernet
> > uuid=d880f3bb-8c51-4ca4-aef7-1954e022820f
> > type=802-3-ethernet
> > [802-3-ethernet]
> > mac-address=52:54:00:eb:e9:fb
> > [ipv4]
> > method=auto
> > [ipv6]
> > nmmethod=auto
> I believe you have a type for ipv6.  For ipv6, it should be the same
> as for ipv4: method=auto

It is, nmmethod is a mistake.

> Or at least this is what i got when it worked correctly: ipvr dhcp
> address and dns update plus RA for default route ... same as for
> ifcfg-rh.


> One thing I have learned while  "playing around".  To make sure
> things > are working correctly: On the client, stop NetworkManager, delete the
> keyfile and lease files.  On the server, stop named, dhcpd, and
> dhcpd6; then delete the dhcpd lease info files, and restart everything.

Yep, clean state. This way I was testing this bug, for example:

Without that you can be never sure that you don't have false positives from previous

> Now, back to the client, start NetworkManager and then enable the network
> device (usually Auto Ethernet).

I usually just let the Ethernet autoconnect. But I usually flush global addresses
before starting NM. It still gets easily confused by the current state of the networks
but this is being worked on.

> When I did not clean up everything and start fresh on both sides, I
> got unpredictable results.

You're right. I've already created scripts for clean testing for myself, at least for
the client side.



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