Re: Fake internet connection

On Ter, 2012-09-25 at 00:43 +0100, Ricardo Cruz wrote: 
> Hi guys,
> I am not using nm-applet to connect to the Internet. I am using wvdial 
> instead. (It is how tech support from my Internet provider set it up.)
> Anyhow, applications like empathy and pidgin refuse to connect to the 
> servers, because they think I don't have an Internet connection active. 
> (I am using Ubuntu.)
> How can I fool nm-applet in order to fake an Internet connection -- 
> because I really am connected to the Internet, just not using nm-applet 
> in the process.
> Thanks a lot !

if use a ppp and have ethernet should be easy, I think.
In mn-applet create a static ip, with default gateway of yours ppp, and
also copy dns .

Sérgio M. B.

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