Hello, I have potentially found a small exception when adding a wifi connection while device disconnected. If I do: dev_iface.Disconnect() ... con_path = nm_settings_iface.AddConnection(config) activate_connection(get_con_uuid_by_path(con_path)) #activate in case it was previously disconneced but the config contains a faulty encryption key (psk) I then monitor the progress with a looping dev_prop_iface.Get("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device", "State") it starts as expected with 50 for a while. Then it would normally give up and switch to 60. I will then catch this and prompt for a new password. BUT when we started with a disconnected wifi the state is switched back to 30 instead. Is this by design? I notice that there is no dev_iface.Connect().... Complete code here (I have kind of worked around the problem but not sure if I will get sub seq issues) best regards, Jonas |