Fonts used in systray applet


I connect to several networks that SSID contain characters that are
not present in the used font and I see only squares with some
numbers. I'd like to change this.

This happens when I hover over the network manager icon in the
systray and the information bubble pops up:

Wireless network connection '□□□□□□ 1' active: □□□□□□ (82%)

and also in the “available” list when I am *not* connected to a
network. When I am connected, the entry is bold and I see the
correct name. I assume that the bold font has a better coverage then
the regular font.

My question: Which fonts are used for the tool tip that appears
while hovering over the systray icon and in the “Available” list?

Debian unstable
GNOME 3.4.2 with awesome 3.4.12 as window manager


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