Re: Modemmanager - how to send sms? - receiving is ok

> Any idea what command Gammu sends? Does it use PDU mode or text mode to
> send it? Is it possible for you to get a log of the serial traffic when
> using Gammu so we can compare to what ModemManager does?
> Dan


In attached you can find the gammu log for a successfully sent sms.

I had to turn off the mobile broadband with nm-applet to get gammu work. In this case modem-manager released the modem ports (ttyUSB1 and ttyUSB2) and gammu was able to use it.

If you need more info, please let me know.

István (Steve)
[Gammu            - 1.31.0 built 09:32:55 Dec 22 2011 using GCC 4.6]
[Connection       - "at"]
[Connection index - 0]
[Model type       - "at"]
[Device           - "/dev/ttyUSB1"]
[Running on       - Linux, kernel (#1 Wed Jul 14 16:05:42 CST 2010)]
[Module           - "A2D|iPAQ|at|M20|S25|MC35|TC35|C35i|S65|S300|5110|5130|5190|5210|6110|6130|6150|6190|6210|6250|6310|6310i|6510|7110|8210|8250|8290|8310|8390|8850|8855|8890|8910|9110|9210"]
Serial device: DTR is up, RTS is up, CAR is down, CTS is down
Setting speed to 19200
Escaping SMS mode
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x02/2
1B |0D                                                          ..              
Sending simple AT command to wake up some devices
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x03/3
41A|54T|0D                                                      AT.             
1 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x04/4
4FO|4BK|0D |0A                                                  OK..            
Enabling echo
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x05/5
41A|54T|45E|311|0D                                              ATE1.           
1 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x04/4
4FO|4BK|0D |0A                                                  OK..            
Trying Motorola mode switch
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10
41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D                          AT+MODE=2.      
1 "AT+MODE=2"
Checking line: ERROR
AT reply state: 3
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x13/19
41A|54T|2B+|4DM|4FO|44D|45E|3D=|322|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R|4FO AT+MODE=2...ERRO
52R|0D |0A                                                      R..             
Seems not to be supported
Enabling CME errors
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10
41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D                          AT+CMEE=1.      
1 "AT+CMEE=1"
2 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x10/16
41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|45E|45E|3D=|311|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A  AT+CMEE=1...OK..
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9
41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D                              AT+CSCS?.       
1 "AT+CSCS?"
2 "+CSCS: "UCS2""
3 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x20/32
41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S AT+CSCS?...+CSCS
3A:|20 |22"|55U|43C|53S|322|22"|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A  : "UCS2"....OK..
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8
41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D                                  AT+CGMI.        
3 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x22/34
41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|49I|0D |0D |0A |5AZ|54T|45E|20 |49I|4EN AT+CGMI...ZTE IN
43C|4FO|52R|50P|4FO|52R|41A|54T|45E|44D|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK CORPORATED....OK
0D |0A                                                          ..              
Manufacturer info received
[Manufacturer: ZTE INCORPORATED]
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10
41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D                          AT+CSCS=?.      
1 "AT+CSCS=?"
2 "+CSCS: ("IRA","GSM","UCS2")"
3 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x2F/47
41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|43C AT+CSCS=?...+CSC
53S|3A:|20 |28(|22"|49I|52R|41A|22"|2C,|22"|47G|53S|4DM|22"|2C, S: ("IRA","GSM",
22"|55U|43C|53S|322|22"|29)|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A      "UCS2")....OK.. 
Chosen GSM as normal charset
Chosen UCS2 as unicode charset
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0E/14
41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|22"|47G|53S|4DM|22"|0D          AT+CSCS="GSM".  
2 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20
41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3D=|22"|47G|53S|4DM|22"|0D |0D |0A  AT+CSCS="GSM"...
4FO|4BK|0D |0A                                                  OK..            
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9
41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D                              AT+CSCS?.       
1 "AT+CSCS?"
2 "+CSCS: "GSM""
3 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x1F/31
41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S|3F?|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|43C|53S AT+CSCS?...+CSCS
3A:|20 |22"|47G|53S|4DM|22"|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A      : "GSM"....OK.. 
Getting model
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8
41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D                                  AT+CGMM.        
2 "MF668A"
3 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x18/24
41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|4DM|0D |0D |0A |4DM|46F|366|366|388|41A AT+CGMM...MF668A
0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A                                  ....OK..        
Unknown model, but it should still work
[Model name: `MF668A']
[Model data: `']
[Model data: `unknown']
[Connected model  - "MF668A"]
Checking for OBEX support
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11
41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D                      AT+CPROT=?.     
1 "AT+CPROT=?"
Checking line: ERROR
AT reply state: 3
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x14/20
41A|54T|2B+|43C|50P|52R|4FO|54T|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R|52R AT+CPROT=?...ERR
4FO|52R|0D |0A                                                  OR..            
Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0C/12
41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D                  AT+SYNCML=?.    
Checking line: ERROR
AT reply state: 3
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x15/21
41A|54T|2B+|53S|59Y|4EN|43C|4DM|4CL|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E|52R AT+SYNCML=?...ER
52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A                                              ROR..           
Checking for SYNCML/OBEX support
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0D/13
41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D              AT$TSSPCSW=?.   
Checking line: ERROR
AT reply state: 3
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x16/22
41A|54T|24$|54T|53S|53S|50P|43C|53S|57W|3D=|3F?|0D |0D |0A |45E AT$TSSPCSW=?...E
52R|52R|4FO|52R|0D |0A                                          RROR..          
Getting firmware versions
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x08/8
41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D                                  AT+CGMR.        
2 "BD_MF668AV1.0.1B02"
3 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x24/36
41A|54T|2B+|43C|47G|4DM|52R|0D |0D |0A |42B|44D|5F_|4DM|46F|366 AT+CGMR...BD_MF6
366|388|41A|56V|311|2E.|300|2E.|311|42B|300|322|0D |0A |0D |0A  68AV1.0.1B02....
4FO|4BK|0D |0A                                                  OK..            
Received firmware version: "BD_MF668AV1.0.1B02"
Number version is "6681,010200"
[Firmware version - "BD_MF668AV1.0.1B02"]
Checking used: UDH len 0, UsedBytes 0, FreeText 160, UsedText 0, FreeBytes 140
Adding text
Copy 160 (max 11)
Defalt text, length 11 11
Text added
Checking at the end: UDH len 0, UsedBytes 10, FreeText 149, UsedText 11, FreeBytes 130
11 11
Entering GSM_GetSMSC
Getting SMSC
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x09/9
41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A|3F?|0D                              AT+CSCA?.       
1 "AT+CSCA?"
2 "+CSCA: "+36209300099",145"
3 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x2C/44
41A|54T|2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A|3F?|0D |0D |0A |2B+|43C|53S|43C|41A AT+CSCA?...+CSCA
3A:|20 |22"|2B+|333|366|322|300|399|333|300|300|300|399|399|22" : "+36209300099"
2C,|311|344|355|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A                  ,145....OK..    
SMSC info received
Parsing +CSCA: "+36209300099",145 with +CSCA: @p, @i
Grabbed string from reply: "+36209300099" (parsed 14 bytes)
Parsed phone string "+36209300099"
Phone string decoded as "+36209300099"
Parsed int 145
Leaving GSM_GetSMSC
Entering GSM_SendSMS
Trying SMS PDU mode
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0A/10
41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|47G|46F|3D=|300|0D                          AT+CMGF=0.      
1 "AT+CMGF=0"
2 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x10/16
41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|47G|46F|3D=|300|0D |0D |0A |4FO|4BK|0D |0A  AT+CMGF=0...OK..
SMS Submit
Recipient number "+36999999999"
SMSC number "+36209300099"
SMS class -1
SMS validity ff
TPMR: 00 0
7 bit SMS, length 10, 11
SMS message
Waiting for modem prompt
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x0B/11
41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|47G|53S|3D=|322|344|0D                      AT+CMGS=24.     
1 "AT+CMGS=24"
2 "> "
Checking line: > 
AT reply state: 7
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x0F/15
41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|47G|53S|3D=|322|344|0D |0D |0A |3E>|20      AT+CMGS=24...>  
Sending SMS
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x40/64
300|377|399|311|366|333|300|322|333|399|300|300|399|300|46F|399 07916302390090F9
311|311|300|300|300|42B|399|311|366|333|300|322|344|344|399|388 11000B9163024498
388|355|46F|311|300|300|300|300|46F|46F|300|42B|44D|333|45E|366 85F10000FF0BD3E6
311|344|44D|344|322|45E|43C|46F|45E|377|45E|311|377|333|311|399 14D42ECFE7E17319
SENDING frametype 0x00/length 0x01/1
1A                                                              .               
Leaving GSM_SendSMS
1 "AT+CMGS=24"
2 "> 07916302390090F911000B916302449885F10000FF0BD3E614D42ECFE7E17319"
3 "+CMGS: 1"
4 "OK"
Checking line: OK
AT reply state: 1
RECEIVED frametype 0x00/length 0x63/99
41A|54T|2B+|43C|4DM|47G|53S|3D=|322|344|0D |0D |0A |3E>|20 |300 AT+CMGS=24...> 0
377|399|311|366|333|300|322|333|399|300|300|399|300|46F|399|311 7916302390090F91
311|300|300|300|42B|399|311|366|333|300|322|344|344|399|388|388 1000B91630244988
355|46F|311|300|300|300|300|46F|46F|300|42B|44D|333|45E|366|311 5F10000FF0BD3E61
344|44D|344|322|45E|43C|46F|45E|377|45E|311|377|333|311|399|0D  4D42ECFE7E17319.
0A |0D |0A |2B+|43C|4DM|47G|53S|3A:|20 |311|0D |0A |0D |0A |4FO ...+CMGS: 1....O
4BK|0D |0A                                                      K..             
SMS sent OK
Parsing +CMGS: 1 with +CMGS: @i
Parsed int 1
Sent SMS on device: "/dev/ttyUSB1"

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