Re: [PATCH 0/4] Network Zones support

On 10/03/2011 08:24 AM, Dan Williams wrote:

So after talking with Thomas about this (and reviewing the patches) a
few weeks ago, I think we should turn the implementation around a bit.
I probably suggested that way originally but I now think instead we
should have NM tell the firewall directly what interface should get put
into what zone.  So I'd like to see a new directory in src/ called
"firewall-manager" and inside there an implementation for firewalld that
tracks whether firewalld is on the bus or not (see supplicant-manager or
modem-manager for examples).  Then in nm-device.c at stage5
(ip-config-commit) before we actually apply the IP configuration to the
interface, we should send the IP interface name and zone to firewalld
and wait for a D-Bus reply (asynchronously of course).  Then after we
get the reply (or if the firewall isn't running) we proceed with
applying the IP configuration to the interface.


Hey, awesome description. Thank you very much!

I'm sending new set of patches in next email.


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