NetworkManager recycling connections

I was wondering if anyone could suggest where to like to find the cause of Bug 753482:

Basically the problem is that when IPv6 is enabled on my wifi connection, every 15-20 minutes there is an "Activation Failed" message, and the connection recycles.   If instead I leave IPv6 disabled for wifi then it works fine.  In fact a work around is to connect to wifi with IPv6 enabled, then disabled IPv6 for that connection an reconnect.   At that point everything works, including IPv6 traffic.   But of course that is a pain as the procedure has to be repeated after every reboot.  Chances are this also results in router advertisements being ignored, so if I change the IPv6 configuration on the router, I might have to repeat this procedure.   Is the case of a home network, it is just a nuisance, as I know when I change something on my router.   However, for a business office or such, this could be a serious problem.

Strangely the wired connection does not have the same problem.   I'm not sure if this is a bug in Network Manager, the kernel, or another package.


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