Hi! I have a Nokia 3G USB Modem CS-17. Unfortunately it works very unreliable under Linux. If used it with Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS, OpenSUSE 11.3, OpenSUSE 11.4, and Windows XP. Under Linux the failure rate is some 60%-80% and retrying repeatedly does not help. Under XP the failure rate is some 10% and if the first attempt fails retrying helps. If the connection succeeds it is typically very good. I have used it about 1 hour on a running train and I have reached connection speeds up to 5 Mbit/s (not on a running train though...) The attached logs are from Lucid, which uses NetworkManager 0.8-0ubuntu3.2 and modem-manager 0.3-0ubuntu2.2. The typical error case is no responses from LCP (see attached logs). In some rarer occasions the LCP responses are invalid. Not sure how this is related to network manager. But Linux PPP seems to be stable (in the meaning of no changes) for a long time. And it should not be a network issue, with XP I don't experience the same problem. Can you spot anything helpful from the attached logs? Does it make any sense to investigate with nm 0.8? If necessary I can build the newest version. But I vaguely remember from some earlier postings on this list that it's not completely trivial with all the interdependencies of NetworkManager, modem-manager, D-Bus, configuration in /etc, knetworkmanager[1], and what else might needed to be taken into account. So a pointer to instructions would be welcome. Regards, Uwe [1] I typically use KDE. But I have at least tried it once on a GNOME system and the connection problems were the same ones. I cannot imagine that the applet is the culprit.
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