Re: Can't get address when two DHCP servers

On Wed, 2011-02-09 at 16:47 +0000, Marc Herbert wrote:
> Le 09/02/2011 15:39, Shawn J. Goff a écrit :
> > I'm on a network with two DHCP servers and can't connect using Network 
> > Manager. I performed a Wireshark capture and saw a DHCP request from me 
> > followed by a DHCP ack from one server and a DHCP nak from the other. I 
> > did the same thing with dhclient and saw the exact same packets, but 
> > then dhclient went ahead and added the address to the interface and I'm 
> > connected.
> > 
> > Is this a bug in NM?
> It is a bug in your network, you simply cannot have two independent
> and concurrent DHCP servers in the same broadcast segment. When this
> is the case anything can happen.
> Are you actually interested in being assigned a random subnet? (or
> worse: in address clashes?)

Yeah, certainly bad network setup.  But I thought dhclient would take
the address of the first DHCP broadcast reply it received (which is of
course random) and then switch to unicast after that, which could help
work around the issue.  But in the end, yeah, two DHCP servers on the
same segment is kinda wrong.


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