Re: how to let http brings up networkmanager modem connectivity?

On 09/16/2010 01:39 PM, hong sheng wrote:
I mean "bring up the 3G connectivity automatically when we start web brower application", not just http.

sounds pretty shortsighted, considering that the internet contains many more things than http...

This is common for dialup.   Routers that support "dial" on demand for connections that cost $$$ typically have firewall like rules that identify packets that should start the connection.  Iptables can certainly have a "call" chain to identify outgoing packets that should trigger a dial.  At least initially, the "call" chain would match just tcp port 80.  Iptables can also match on process name (that owns the socket), and so could match firefox or squid.

So how to get something to happen when the call chain is matched?  Simple but inefficient: use a LOG target and watch /var/log/messages for a magic string.  Efficient, but more work: use a ULOG target to multicast a notification packet to any userspace multicast listeners on the designated channel.

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