Re: Intel 4965AGN not working with NM

On Thursday 09 of September 2010 12:21:12 Janek S. wrote:
> Now the weird thing - KNetworkManager works (sort of). I mentioned,
> that I had problems with nm-applet remebering the wireless
> passwords. To fix this, in the directory
> /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d I added the file
> 10-org-freedesktop-network-manager-settings.pkla containing
> [Allow user XXXX to create wireless connections for all users]
> Identity=unix-user:XXXX
> ResultAny=no
> ResultInactive=no
> ResultActive=yes
> XXXX is of course my user name. Now the wireless connections'
> settings are stored in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
> directory. If the wireless connection is set to 'autoconnect', it is
> activated when the system starts.

You seem to be slightly confused about how connections work. There are 
two types of connections - system-wide and user-specific. nm-applet and 
its counterpart nm-connection-editor fully support both of them. For 
system wide connections there are several supported backends. One of 
them is so called "keyfile" which stores connection descsitpion in the 
above directory. But you *must* tick on "available for all users" in 
connection properties - otherwise connection is deemed user-specific and 
stored under user home directory.

I.e. - having permissions to modify system connections is necessary but 
is not enough by itself.

>                                   Then the KNetworkManager is able
> to disconnect from that network and connect to it again. However,
> when autoconnect is false, KNetworkManager still isn't able to
> connect.

knetworkmanager does not support system connections. Sorry. There is bug 
opened for it for quite some time and it is on TODO list ... apparently 
it is quite a low priority for primary developers.

> Moreover, when autoconnect is false, I am able to reproduce
> the error I got previously from the command:
> Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "GetSettings"
> with signature "" on interface
> "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSettings.Connection" doesn't exist
> That's why I changed UserSetting to SystemSettings - I saw in the
> qdbusviewer that there is no such dbus object as
> org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSettings.Connection
> KNetworkManager version is 0.7

I am using 0.9, but I would be very surprised if support for system 
connection was ever available and then dropped.

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