hacking nm-applet

i have some simple issue.
if i want to hacking nm-applet what i can do.

i add NetwokManager in my platform.
And i use cnetworkmanager to connect WIFI.
but Now i don't know how i can hacking nm-applet  to setting.
( 3,5G, ether, static ip for wifi etc...... )
because cnetworkmanager only support not static ip & wifi.
so, i think i must hacking nm-applet code included my program.

i search python sample code to connect NetworkManagerUserSetting.
but it only set static MAC address.
(how can i write xml to usersetting file. ) [how nm-applet to do or function call?! ]
what i need to focus function code?

Could someone kindly help me. Give me a clue.
Or, Privately taught me.

Thanks everyone.


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