Re: NetworkManagerFAQ

On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 09:51 -0400, Darren Albers wrote:
> Based on Dan's blog post I went in and scanned through the FAQ and
> found that a lot of it was out of date or no longer applied.   I
> cleaned up a lot of it (It is amazing how much more simple things are
> with .7 and higher!) but more could be cleaned up if there was a limit
> to what version we applied it to.
> Is it safe to assume that most users are on .7 or higher?   I think
> Ubuntu 8.04 users (LTS) will still be on 6.6, what about RHEL users?

0.6.x development is effectively dead.  Given that we have now released
0.8, I don't have particular interest in supporting anything older than
0.7.  Ubuntu 8.04 is two years old at this point.

RHEL4 has NetworkManager 0.4 and I hope nobody is using it.

RHEL5 has NM 0.7 (we rebased from 0.6 to 0.7 in the RHEL5.2 cycle).

> If we still want to keep the information about .6.x users should that
> be broken out into a second FAQ?

Yeah, probably.


> Note: A lot of what I updated was to remove some items that should no
> longer be an issue like the signal strength issue on Madwifi cards
> etc...   If anyone feels like I deleted too much feel free to let me
> know or add it back.
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