So very close, but so frustrating...

I've a netbook and I want to use it to access my home-office email wherever I happen to be... with minimal fuss. Sometimes I'll be connected to a wired network, sometimes wireless, sometimes via my mobile phone (connected over bluetooth) - sometimes from home - sometimes from remote locations.

To this end, I've set up a openvpn VPN using NetworkManager for my client which allows me to interact with my email server as if I am at home from wherever my netbook happens to be connected. This works wonderfully well both for ethernet and 802.11 wireless connectivity.

My problem arises when I want to use my mobile phone. I know my hardware works, because I can use NetworkManager to disable wireless, then the following wvdial configuration to establish a PPP connection... and - if I'm somewhere without any connectivity - it allows me to browse the web and make ssh connections to servers via my mobile phone.
[Dialer Defaults]
Phone = *99#
Username = username
Password = password
New PPPD = yes

So far, so good... but, when NetworkManager is not aware of a network connection (because the mobile phone connection has been patched-through from the command line) it refuses to allow me to turn on my VPN.

Obviously, it would be best if I could avoid using the command line at all - but I'm drawing a blank on how to do this. Under "Edit Connections" there's a promising looking "Mobile Broadband" - which goes on to give me a dialog into which I can patch the phone number "*99#" and username/password (though these are both ignored by the wvdial approach, so don't seem to be very important...) - but I can't see anywhere to specify the interface... /dev/rfcomm0 - which, I suspect, is significant. Furthermore, even with a "Mobile Broadband" connection configured in "Network Connections" - I don't see how I can activate this from the NetworkManager GUI... (similarly for the DSL configurations - though those are of no practical interest to me at the moment...)

Is there any way that I can configure NetworkManager to allow me to switch between wireless connectivity and 'dialup' networking via my mobile phone? It seems so close to working that it would be a shame to be forced back to the command line...

In case it is relevant, I'm using NetworkManager Applet - the latest Ubuntu default.

Any hints much appreciated...

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