Re: Annoying NetworkManager "feature"

On Thursday 24 September 2009 11:24:42 Jeff Carr wrote:
> > 3.  System boots up in single user mode ... disable autostart of network
> > and NetworkManager.  Looking at /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/, I now have
> > "eth1" instead of "eth0" although there is only one NIC and it is the
> > same "type", etc. [BTW, what in the world keeps track of these ... where
> > is that information kept???]
> This information is tracked by udev in /etc/udev/rules.d/ within some
> file there.
> The behavior of NetworkManager in the case you seem to describe (my
> apologies if I'm wrong, I only had time to read this far) is correct
> here. You need to purge the udev file so when the MAC changes the
> device shows up as eth0 when it boots.


I got some info from an email on libvir-list redhat com which pointed me in 
the right direction.

I have been "playing" with networks on qemu-kvm guests 
(adding/subtracting/changing NICs).  There is also a situaltion when you use 
virt-clone to create a new guest ... the new guest has the same number/type of 
NICs but with different MAC addresses.
The problem/solution was found by a debian user which has a bigger problem 
that Fedora.

If you delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and then reboot, the 
NICs are redone.  You will still need to "fix" or create the ifcfg-eth<?> files 
but things are cleaned up.  You can use guestfish to go in and delete the file 
without actually starting the guest.


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