CLI Network Manager (cnetworkmanager)

Hi there,

   I was bowsing this list archives looking for if there is a way to using command line for controlling my network connections. I use Ubuntu 9.04 desktop with Network Manager Applet v0.7.0.100.
   My problem is reconnecting a GSM-3G connection, through a Huawei E220 HSDPA Modem which is readly recognized and connected by NM but won't reconnect automatically when the conection eventually goes down. As this machine is not my desktop, but one acting as an Internet gateway for my home network, it is a real burden having to access the applet to reconnect it, what requires my presence, at least to access the remote desktop and activate the connection via the applet.

I thought I was lucky to discover the existence of the CLI app "cnetworkmanager", which seems to be just what I was looking for. I've downloaded the rpm binaries cnetworkmanager-0.21.1-9.2.noarch.rpm, open it, and I think it can do what I expect.
   Unfortunately I didn't manage to get it doing the job of reconnecting the GSM connection when it goes down. I believe that this may be for my misinterpretation of the parameters I should pass to the CLI program.
   My connections are reported by cnetworkmanager as

$ ./cnetworkmanager -d
Interface | Type     | State
ttyUSB0   | GSM      | ACTIVATED

$ ./cnetworkmanager --di=ttyUSB0
Property     | Value
Udi          | /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_12d1_1003_noserial_if0_serial_usb_0
Interface    | ttyUSB0
Driver       | option
Capabilities | NM_SUPPORTED
State        | ACTIVATED
Managed      | True
DeviceType   | GSM

$ ./cnetworkmanager --syscon
Active | Name | Type
*      | Eth0 | 802-3-ethernet
*      | Vivo | gsm

   I assumed that I should use the option


to get the job done.
   I hope someone can give me a hint on what parameters I shall use to put such an interface on again, when it goes down, if it is possible. I've tried all combinations I could think of. My best assumption is

   KIND = "system"
   ID = "Vivo"
   DEV = ttyUSB0
   APMAC = ? I have no idea of what should be (Would it mean "Access Point MAC address? This has no meaning to me, as it is not a WiFi connection.)

   For all combinations I've tried I received either a message saying
that more parameters are needed or that option '-i'(?) was not recognised.

   On the other hand, wouldn't it be possible to put "Auto reconnect" as a configuration option inside NM?

   I do really thank you very much for giving me any guidance on the matter.

       Joel Guilherme

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