cnetworkmanager options

Hi there,

   Luckly I discovered the existence of the CLI app "cnetworkmanager"
browsing this list archives, which was just what I was looking for. I've
downloaded the rpm binaries  cnetworkmanager-0.21.1-9.2.noarch.rpm, open
it, and I think it will do what I expect.
   Unfortunately I didn't manage to get it doing the job of
reconnecting a GSM connection that went down. I believe I was unable to
intertpret correctly what parameters I should pass to the program.
My GSM-3G dongle is a Huawei E220 HSDPA Modem and my connections are reported as below, using cnetworkmanager:

john mypc:~/Downloads/cnetworkmanager-0.21.1$ ./cnetworkmanager -d
Interface | Type     | State
ttyUSB0   | GSM      | ACTIVATED

john mypc:~/Downloads/cnetworkmanager-0.21.1$ ./cnetworkmanager --di=ttyUSB0
Property | Value
Udi | /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_12d1_1003_noserial_if0_serial_usb_0 Interface | ttyUSB0 Driver | option Capabilities | NM_SUPPORTED State | ACTIVATED Managed | True
DeviceType   | GSM

john mypc:~/Downloads/cnetworkmanager-0.21.1$ ./cnetworkmanager --syscon
Active | Name | Type
*      | Eth0 | 802-3-ethernet
*      | Vivo | gsm

   I assumed that I should use the option


   I hope someone can give me a hint on what parameters I shall use to
put such an interface on again, when it goes down. I've tried all
combinations I could think of, assuming that
   KIND = "system"
   ID - no idea of what should be ("Vivo", "gsm",?)
   DEV = ttyUSB0 (?)
   APMAC = no idea of what should be (Would it mean "Access Point MAC
address? Has no meaning to me, as it is not a WiFi connection.)
For all combinations I've tried I received either a message saying that more parameters were needed or that option '-i' was not recognised. On the other hand, wouldn't it be possible to put "Auto reconnect" as a configuration option inside NM?

   I do really thank you for very much for giving me any guidance on
the matter.
   BTW, my system is Ubuntu 9.04 desktop, using Network Manager

       Joel Guilherme

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