Re: Do we have plan to do finer grained PolicyKit support for Networkmanager?

Hi Dan

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 1:29 AM, Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-09-01 at 15:12 +0800, Bin Li wrote:

>>   There's only,
>> introduce something like
>> so NM can
>> determine whether it should accept user settings.
>>   Also we could separate the action in more grained, such as
> I thought about that, but can't see a use-case.  If you can *add*
> connections, then that's the same thing as modifying them.  It makes no
> sense to deny modify, but allow add, since the user could just add the
> connection they wanted instead of modifying an existing one.  Delete by
> itself also doesn't make a lot of sense.  I view the three permissions
> as a unit because in reality, I can't think of cases where you'd
> actually need to split them up.

But maybe we could separate the action according the type of the
connection. For example, they may be like these


>> and the same for .user .
>> And you may even want to specifically allow or disallow adding for
>> specific network types like wired, wireless, VPN, etc.
> Definitely.  There are now permissions in the system settings service
> that the UI can check for, and this sort of thing would be used to allow
> the UI to intelligently enable/disable elements.

So what is the permissions do you mean in the system settings service?
I am afraid that It is possible that go round them through dbus
directly instead of UI.
Because that you can send anything to the interface
if you get authorised.

Lance Wang

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