NM 0.7.1 rc3 oddness with 3G USB device

Ubuntu Jaunty - 0.7.1~rc3-0ubuntu1

After updating to the above I'm see strange behaviour with a Huawei E180.  

First to note the device works fine - still reported as an E220/270.

The strange behaviour is that nm-applet is now reporting two devices:
ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 (the control channel), instead of just the one.

The devices don't always get cleared from the list of Broadband devices when
the device is removed - these can keep mounting up.

Another issue I noticed is that the wired ethernet device's (not ifupdown)
address moved from eth0 -> eth2.  Ditto wireless eth1 -> eth3.  From where
is this controlled?


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