vpnc System-wide settings


I'm trying to put in place system-wide settings for vpn(c). The idea is that an user has nothing to configure, he just has to check under VPN connections and click on one of the available connections. The user should just be prompted for (possibly) his username and his password.

So far, I managed to create configuration files and by placing them under /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ to make them appear. Unfortunately I'm unable to make them work. If I don't put Xauth username = <username> into the config file, NetworkManager/vpnc manager complains that this config setting is lacking (and after some debugging it appears that default username is simply NULL), and if I force this settings, it is Xauth password which is missing (although I set into the configfile that it should be asked to the user). That become problematic since I use rsa tokens (so password is different each time).

I suspect that since these are system-wide connections, they shouldn't depend of user informations, am i right? Any way to extend system configuration to support user interaction? Or a way to quickly import vpn configuration into user profile? 

Thanks in advance,

Laurent Goujon

System config:
NetworkManager on RHEL5

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