Re: removed connection still can be seen

Got same issue under sled11 ! Add or remove connection via nm editor not always refreshed in nm-applet. Maybe a signal not caught ?

Le 2 juil. 2009 à 11:23, 代尔欣 <daierxin gmail com> a écrit :

Hi all,
I add a new wired connection and remove it immediately in nm- connection-editor. When I click the nm-applet, I found the removed connection sill there. This problem is not always happen. But it indeed happen...

I use 0.7.0 released codes. Further debug, I found:

nma-gconf-settings.c , I add some comment below, please check:

static gboolean
connection_changes_done (gpointer data)
    ConnectionChangedInfo *info = (ConnectionChangedInfo *) data;
NMAGConfSettingsPrivate *priv = NMA_GCONF_SETTINGS_GET_PRIVATE (info->settings);
    NMAGConfConnection *connection;

connection = nma_gconf_settings_get_by_path (info->settings, info->path);
    if (!connection) {
        /* New connection */
connection = nma_gconf_connection_new (priv->client, info- >path);
        if (connection) {
            g_signal_connect (connection, "new-secrets-requested",
G_CALLBACK (connection_new_secrets_requested_cb),
priv->connections = g_slist_append (priv->connections, connection); nm_settings_signal_new_connection (NM_SETTINGS (info- >settings), NM_EXPORTED_CONNECTION (connection));
    } else {
if (gconf_client_dir_exists (priv->client, info->path, NULL)) {

/* --- --- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------- When the issue occur, the codes can't run here.... So the connection list priv->connections can't be updated. It seems reasonable because the related gconf
              dir is already deleted.
--- --- --- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

            /* Updated connection */
            if (!nma_gconf_connection_changed (connection))
priv->connections = g_slist_remove (priv- >connections, connection);
/* --- --- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is my added codes to fix the issue. From my test, it seems ok. --- --- --- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        else {
/* If here, the info->path do not exist? delete the connection */
            if (!nma_gconf_connection_changed (connection))
priv->connections = g_slist_remove (priv- >connections, connection);
/* ----------------------Fix codes end-------------------------------------*/

    g_hash_table_remove (priv->pending_changes, info->path);

    return FALSE;

Any idea about this issue? gconf bug? or gconf-help bug?
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