name clashes between gnome-icon-theme and nm-applet


while investigating, why nm-connection-editor shows the wrong icon on
the wireless tab (it looks like the wired one) I found the following:

We install the icons for nm-applet under

nm-device-wireless.png is installed as

Most likely because it is used in

Unfortunately gnome-icon-theme also installs icons with the nm- prefix,
For all different sizes.

What now happens, that gtk falls back to the gnome-icon-theme icons for
nm-device-wireless (probably because it has the correct size), when
using nm-connection-editor (but also in gnome-session-properties)

Interestingly enough, the gnome-icon-theme nm-icon-wireless icon looks
like our nm-applet-wired icon.

So I have two questions now:
1.) Why the hell does gnome-icon-theme ship icons with the nm-* namespace
2.) How do we solve this to get correct icons in nm-connection-editor
and gnome-session-properties.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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